#bakugou katsuki x oc
izvmimi · 9 months
cw: atla au. fem!reader and a named female oc are both pro benders. fighting-focused without overt graphic descriptions. a/n: the pro-bending here is not exactly the same as in lok, i've taken a lot of liberties. this part focuses a lot on reader's friend to set the stage but a subsequent part will be more about reader.
Pro-bending is a terrible use of your time, and yet you’re here, checking the straps of your helmet and making sure the oversized gourd that hangs between your shoulder blades is well-affixed to your person. You catch a glimpse of yourself in the full-length mirrors placed along the wall as you move through the lockers to find your friend and shake your head. Ridiculous.
When you finally find your friend, she’s still finagling with her wristguards and you can see a small cloud of steam leave her nostrils as she breathes out sharply in a huff. She’s both frustrated and shaking with anticipation, and yet she doesn’t look as ridiculous as you feel you do in her own gear.
“Don’t burn down the locker room, Nova,” you tease, moving closer to help with the straps. Her left hand shakes a little as you secure them, and she sighs. You pretend to duck and the sigh shifts to a pout.
“Stop making fun of me!”
“Stop making it easy and I won’t.”
She rolls her eyes, but her typical cheer returns shortly as she jumps up from her bench and puts her hands up into fists.
“I can’t believe we’re finally doing this!” she says, and giving herself a wide berth from you showcases one of her winning combos, a jab-hook and roundhouse kick, flames ablaze and disappearing as quickly as they appear.
You also cannot believe you’re doing this and twist your mouth to the side, but Nova is extremely convincing when she wants to be, and you’ve been her sparring partner for long enough that it wouldn’t make sense to let her go into this venture alone. You’re not as good as her, but you’ve been decent at your amateur club, and your mentor has pushed for you to show up together.
“Can’t wait to lose the first match,” you start, making your way out of the locker room. You can feel the water in your gourd sloshing away with every step and wonder if you overfilled it. In truth, however, you can never have too much water, anyone from a Water nation tribe knows this, even if your ancestry is what one would call dilute.
“You say this every time and have your opponent begging for mercy.”
You roll your eyes. This time will be different, you can sense it, and you tell her just that.
“This is the rookie contest. They can’t be that good.” Nova says. She’s moving up to the main arena faster now, her legs carrying her closer and closer to the promise of glory, and you have to take longer strides to catch up to her. The two of you end up spilling into one of the openings, where there is still a match taking place, and from the look and sound of it, reaching its final stage. Nova is easily transfixed, while you lead her by the shoulders to a spot to sit down that’s a few bleachers up, almost tripping over a step when she stops suddenly and you slam into her.
“God, did you see that?”
You didn’t see it, but when you turn, there appears to be a repeat exciting move, a fire bender who blasts off into the air and appears to dive back down in a cyclone of fire. You frown, wondering why that’s legal, and wince as he makes impact with the air bender who’s decided to protect themselves in a ball of wind energy. It doesn’t work – the impact multiplies and the whole pit seems to erupt in blinding light; and then it recedes, and there’s one clear victor. 
The blonde-haired firebender isn’t even panting when he’s announced victory and you grimace while Nova holds onto your arm, clearly smitten. It’s unsurprising, because even you can tell he’s conventionally attractive, and knows so, tall and athletically built with sharp crimson eyes and a cocky grin flashed at the crowd. You eye the opponent’s injuries which seem mild, although he seems clearly dazed, and you realize that the gloating young man is particularly skilled, if he’s able to minimize injury in such a powerful blow.
That being said, you won’t let go of an opportunity to tease your friend. “Stop slobbering and get ready for your match,” you remind her, before patting her shoulder. “I can’t wait to see you wipe the floor with them.”
Nova’s grin is wide and she promises to make you and herself proud.
You find a seat quickly near the bleachers while the arena is cleared and you watch Nova shrug her shoulders and roll her neck as a woman is placed before her. A waterbender like you, but her rain of hailstones is not particularly impressive, and Nova clears them quickly into rain and then steam before they touch her with flames fanning towards the sky. You lean forward, watching carefully for any identifying features. You should have studied who exactly was in the scene and who was famous before you got here, but it would only have stressed you out more.
Nova completes the match quickly with a ring out. It’s more merciful than her predecessor but the opponent has a similar dazed expression on their face by the end of the match. Nova comes out quickly and waves at you excitedly, glee on her face.
It’s your turn next.
Your first match is easy, thankfully, your opponent, a particularly agitated airbender whose bursts of air pressure are easily dodged or deflected with your water used as a fortified shield. He loses when he slips on a patch of ice right out of the ring, too slow and surprised to suspend himself in the air. The crowd laughs, and you feel a little bad, a sheepish expression on your face.
You clear the arena quickly, your heart pounding from the exhilaration of the fight, and Nova gives you a high five. Another match takes about ten minutes to end, and you’re barely paying attention to the two earthbenders throwing rocks at each other in a manner akin to apes, still trying to catch your breath and calm your nerves before your next match. You control your breathing. Across the lowest rung of the bleachers where you sit, you can see the blonde from earlier staring directly in your direction, and then you realize he is staring really at your friend, and look at the match rundown on the projector. Two and two add up.
“Nova, your next opponent is the guy from earlier. Bakugou.”
Nova blinks then leans in closer.
“Which guy?”
You press your lips in a thin line. "Mr. Hot and Sexy.”
Her eyes widen, and it almost irritates you that the designation helped. You try to point discreetly in the correct direction, and he’s still staring with red, practically glowing eyes at her, as though trying to mildly intimidate but not threaten her. Nova stares back just as fiercely, and you’re thankful that at least she won’t let a boy win just because he’s cute.
You do notice besides him, there’s another pro bender who’s staring at the match that is in no way interesting far too intensely, leaned so far forward he might as well fall off his chair and once you squint closer, you realize he has a notepad before him and is scribbling something quickly. Just from the way his pen moves, you figure his handwriting is messy and disorganized, but his green eyes are bright and clearly intelligent. His shoulders are broad, not unlike the young man next to him, but he seems just a bit wider and more relaxed. Gentle even, like the dark-green curls of his hair, like he’d much rather give you a hug than lay a finger on you. 
And yet, he’s here.
“Nova, don’t you dare lose to him,” you warn her when it’s her turn to go up. She bumps fists with you, grinning, and you see Bakugou do the same as they both approach the arena from the stair-rails.
They acknowledge each other and you find your hand tensing up around the water gourd now sitting in your lap for comfort.
It’s for good reason, because their first bout is fierce to say the least. Nova’s flames are fast and many, and Bakugou responds to each with a dodge or even fiercer fire. At some point, your jaw drops as he practically inhales a blast, then returns it larger, and more focused, and for a moment you wonder one, if the referee has vetted that move, or two, if he’s a combustion bender in addition to simple fire bending, given that the blast, when dodged, practically destroys a corner of the arena. Nova, a little startled, propels herself to one side of the arena, then looks at the destruction, then back at Bakugou. Sweat beads visibly on her forehead.
“Is that all you got?!” Bakugou taunts. Nova grits her teeth, and then she’s back at him, a running start into a fire-filled windmill kick her next attack. Bakugou dodges, then his hand closes around her ankle which makes you gasp, and a throw nearly gets her out of the ring in an uncontrolled somersault that stops just short of the edge of the platform.
She’s back up and at him yet again in a second, and the crowd, also holding their breath, cheers loudly. Fists ablaze, she punches, one after the other, many of which are dodged, but the last one he has to block with a cross of his arms before his face, and he’s pushed back. Revitalized, Nova kicks one more time but she’s tripped suddenly, and in seconds falls flat on the ground, staring at the ceiling. 
You watch in shock as he takes the immediate opportunity to pin her down, and one blast that is a bit more than fire charges from the palm of his hand, but then before the referee can blow their whistle, he slams into the ground next to her head.
“You’re done,” he mouths. Nova looks shocked, biting her lower lip in anger rather than concede an embarrassing defeat. 
The referee ends the match and the crowd claps, giving a standing ovation to both for their fight. You stand too and clap enthusiastically, even though Nova looks both flustered and angry by the time she makes it back to you after being checked out for injuries. 
“This is so embarrassing,” she murmurs under her breath, twirling a lock of her hair. You offer her a reassuring smile.
“You did a good job.”
She sighs and takes your gourd from you and puts it in her own lap, tapping nervously at the sides. She doesn’t seem too banged up so you’re thankful.
“You’re fighting someone named Midoriya next,” she says now, after glancing at the updated projector. Your faces aren’t displayed against the projector. 
You take a deep breath, then take your gourd back from her gently. 
“If I get my ass beat too it’s fine, as long as it’s fast. Then we can both go home.”
Nova pouts and she’s so puppy-like you find yourself stifling a laugh.
“Fine, I”ll try.”
A few more moments pass, and you’re called to the arena.
The curly haired man with Bakugou looks at you and smiles, an action that disarms you, before he prepares to face you too.
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ghostxrose · 6 months
Of Monsters and Men | Bakugo Katsuki x OC
Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four | Part Five | Part Six | Part Seven |
Summary ~ The war between humanity and aliens began in 2013 when the first Kaiju hauled itself out of the depths of the ocean. It rampaged through three cities, destroying everything in its path and killing thousands before it was finally taken down. As more Kaiju emerged from the sea, nations put aside rivalries and hatred in order to ban together and find a solution to save the human race.
Azusa had never imagined that this would be the world that she would grow up in. Mankind using giant robots to take down massive alien monsters sounds like the stuff of movies not the reality that she’s forced to live. She had also never imagined signing herself up to battle the monsters from the sea, but somebody needed to avenge her brother’s death and her father sure as hell wasn’t doing it.
Tags/Warnings ~ Fem!OC, angst, hurt/comfort, eventual fluff, enemies to friends to lovers, slow burn, potentially triggering content, universe-typical violence, Enji Todoroki (yes, that is a warning, he's trash), character death, suicidal ideation, (more tags to be added as story develops <3)
Note ~ Heyy, Lovelies! This fic is my twist on MHA characters in the Pacific Rim universe. I am absolutely obsessed with Pacific Rim, it's probably my most favorite movie! So this fic is my mash up of two of my fave things. It is xOC instead of xReader, but I hope that you enjoy it all the same. I'm one of those readers who will imagine myself as the main chacter no matter what, so this can be read as reader-insert. Anyway, enough with my rambling, enjoy the story My Lovelies! <3
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“Get going, Azusa!” He says with urgency as he ushers her out of the kitchen.
“I’m not fucking going anywhere without you, Toya! I have a bad feeling about this one! Please listen to me, don’t go with Dad!” She pleads over the sounds of their younger siblings crying.
“Dammit Azusa, I have to! Dad doesn’t have another co-pilot! We’ll be fine, just go!” He borderline shouts at her as he makes his way to the door.
“Don’t go! Please, don’t go!” She cries, grabbing his arm and pulling him away from the door.
“Fucking let me go! This is a job, Azusa, and I’ve been called to go do it! Go help Mom with Natsuo, Fuyumi, and Shoto!” He yells, ripping his arm out of her grasp and rushing out the door, slamming it shut behind him.
“Dammit, Toya-”
Jolting upright in her bed, chest heaving and tears wetting her face, Azusa slams the button on her alarm. Letting out a groan, she wipes at her face and tries to even out her breathing. It takes a few minutes, as it always does, but she finally manages to recover and drags herself out of bed.
“Thanks, subconscious.” She mumbles bitterly as she makes her way to the bathroom. She goes through the motions of her everyday routine; getting dressed, putting her hair up, brushing her teeth, staring at the old family vacation photo on her dresser for too long.. Numbly, she finishes lacing up her boots, then stands up ready to answer the door for the knock she knows is coming.
The predicted knock does happen and she opens the door to greet her sister, “Morning, Fuyumi.” She says as she steps out of her room, closing the door behind her and locking it.
“Good morning, Azusa! You ready for today?” Fuyumi asks her as the two make their way to the elevator.
“As ready as I’ll ever be, I guess.” She says with a slight shrug as they step into the elevator.
After pressing the button for the Mess Hall, Fuyumi joins her sister in leaning against the back wall of the elevator. She bumps her shoulder against Azusa’s with a small playful smile on her face.
“It’s a big day for you, kinda thought you’d be more hyped.” She comments, her features taking on a bit of concern.
“It’s just another day, Yumi. Just another day of being one of his soldiers that he couldn’t give less of a damn about.” Azusa replies in an emotionless tone to cover up the anger burning beneath her skin.
Fuyumi lets out a heavy sigh as the elevator doors open, “He does care, Zusa… And I know that it won’t be the same without Toya there to cheer you on.. but it’s been three years. There was nothing more you could have done that day to stop him. He’s gone, you’re here, and you worked your ass off to get to this point. You deserve to feel excited about today.” She says tiredly as they walk up to the food line.
“Yeah..” Azusa responds quietly, letting the conversation fizzle out. They fill up their trays with no further conversation being made, then head for a table with open seating.
Unfortunately for both of them the only table with open seating just so happens to be next to the table that Katsuki Bakugo and his group are sitting at. Azusa rolls her eyes at the comments and praises she hears being thrown the blonde’s way as she sits down. It’s been two years since her group entered the Ranger Program and Bakugo’s arrogant personality hasn’t dimmed a bit. Not even being behind the scenes during humanity’s war against aliens has done anything to lessen his pompous attitude.
“Who do you think you’ll be Drift-compatible with, Bakugo?” Azusa hears Mina’s perky voice ask.
“I don’t think any of you extras could handle being in my head and I sure as hell don’t wanna be in any of your idiotic brains. I’m just gonna ask the Marshal to let me pilot by my damn self.” Bakugo replies with a tone full of annoyance, earning himself a few gasps of shock and a bit of laughter.
“Oh c’mon man, you know single piloting is impossible even with the tech we have now! Plus, I think we’d be Drift-compatible! We work well together and we’re both super manly!” She hears Kirishima exclaim and she lets out a small huff of laughter at the pose she knows he’s doing even without looking at him.
“I don’t need a damn co-pilot and if I am forced to have one, it better not be any of you idiots!” Bakugo bites out and Azusa rolls her eyes once again as she digs into her breakfast.
“What a jerk, Dad’s gonna be pissed if Bakugo actually puts in that request,” Fuyumi comments quietly before taking a sip of her juice.
Azusa silently nods her head in absentminded agreement as she takes another bite. Suddenly, everyone around her quiets down, their heads bowing in respect and words becoming low whispers.
“Good morning, Rangers.” Marshal Todoroki greets, his booming voice echoing throughout the Mess Hall and demanding attention.
“As many of you know, today is the day that groups A through D will be testing to find their Drift-compatibility partners, or rather, their co-pilots. All other groups will be excused from their training to witness the event, but do not mistake this as a free day. Learn something from what you witness. As for groups A through D, tests will begin at 0800. Be prepared and be on time.” He continues, his stern tone making everyone give an intimidated nod of understanding.
“Ranger Azusa Todoroki,” Marshal Todoroki calls out, causing everyone’s eyes to turn toward the girl. Azusa clenches her jaw and her eyes meet the cold blue ones of her father.
“Come to my office once you have finished breakfast. Thank you, everyone, you may carry on.” He finishes with a slight bow of his head before he and his second-in-command, Marshal Shota Aizawa, turn to leave. Noise ensues once again with the disappearance of the Marshal’s presence. Meaningless chatter and the clattering of dishware fill the room, but one voice, in particular, catches Azusa’s attention as very much intended by the voice’s owner.
“Aww, the princess get in trouble, again?” Bakugo’s taunting comment grates at Azusa’s eardrums and her grip on her chopsticks tightens.
Other than the whitening of her knuckles, she gives no reaction toward the blonde, her eyes cast down toward her food tray despite wanting to glare at Bakugo. She numbly finishes her breakfast, tells Fuyumi that she’ll see her later, then stands to clear her place. She can feel eyes on her as she takes her tray to the trash bin, but she maintains her facade of emotionless neutrality as she walks out of the Mess Hall.
“The fuck does the old man want now?” She mumbles out angrily under her breath as she steps into the elevator.
Jamming her finger against the button for the floor that the Marshal’s office is on, she lets out a long breath. Stepping back to the middle of the elevator, Azusa crosses her arms over her chest and closes her eyes. A minute or two passes and the elevator groans as it comes to a stop. She prepares herself, mentally and physically, to step out of the elevator when the doors begin to open but pauses when she comes face to face with Marshal Todoroki.
“Marshal?” She questions, bowing her head slightly, confusion flashing over her features before she settles back into her neutral state.
“We will be going down to the Shatterdome instead.” Marshal Todoroki says, his voice taking on a much different tone than earlier.
He stares at Azusa with an expectant look as he waits for her to move back so that he can step into the elevator. Azusa shakes the confusion from her mind and dutifully steps back to let the large man through the doorway. Tense silence fills the cramped-feeling space as she presses the button for the Shatterdome. The elevator groans once again as it begins descending.
“Why are we going to the Shatterdome, Sir?” Azusa asks, tone neutral and emotionless and the Marshal lets out a tired sigh.
“Azusa, please, it’s just the two of us you can call me da-”
“I stopped calling you that a long time ago, Enji. Why would I start again now? Just tell me why you wanted me to meet with you instead of letting me go get ready for my Drift-compatibility tests.” Azusa bites out, cutting off her father’s words.
Marshal Todoroki’s jaw clenches and his fists clench before the tension deflates from his body and a look of defeat fills his features, “I want to show you something.” He replies vaguely and Azusa sends him an incredulous look.
“You want to show me something?? This is ridiculous! I need to be getting ready, not dealing with your feeble attempts at earning my forgiveness ba-” Azusa’s anger gets the better of her until she cuts herself off, clamping her mouth shut as the elevator doors open.
Marshal Todoroki stays silent as they step out of the elevator, only opening his mouth to greet others. They move through the hustle and bustle of the Shatterdome, walking past Jaeger after Jaeger and all of the people working on said Jaegers. They finally stop at the far end of Bay 12, both of them turning their bodies toward the Jaeger standing tall against the wall. Azusa’s neck cranes as she looks up at the gigantic robot, a tidal wave of emotions flooding her as she takes it in.
“Bravo Inferno,” Azusa whispers out, tears building up on her lash lines and the Marshal quietly nods from beside her. “The day Toya died.. I thought she was too destroyed to salvage, I mean, you barely came back in one piece.. H-how is she here?” She asks, her voice thick with emotion and tears slipping down her face.
“It took the repair techs a long time, but they were able to put her back together. In fact, she’s better than she was before.. on the inside, that is. I made sure the outside was redone to look the same as when she first came out of production.” Marshal Todoroki says quietly, his hands clasped behind his back professionally but his face full of emotions.
Azusa stares up at her brother’s old Jaeger with a mixture of awe and sadness. The blue flame-colored paint reflects the lights of the Shatterdome, giving it a pearlescent shine. Bravo Inferno’s emblem, a flaming phoenix, is stamped proudly on the left side of its chest along with the numbers from the year it was made. From head to toe, the Jaeger looks just like it had the day Azusa watched it leave the base being piloted by her brother for the last time.
“What was the point of this?” Azusa asks, coming back to her senses and remembering that she is standing with the man responsible for her brother’s death. “You piloting again or something?”
Still looking up at Bravo Inferno, the Marshal shakes his head, “No, my piloting days are long since over with. I’m passing Bravo Inferno on to you, Azusa. It’s.. it’s what Toya would have wanted had he thought the war would still be going on.” He says looking at Azusa with the ghost of a smile on his saddened face.
It takes a moment for Azusa to work past the lump in her throat, to straighten her back even though she wants to fall to her knees and sob. A strained “thank you” makes its way out of her mouth as she blinks away the tears in her eyes.
Azusa cracks her knuckles before crossing her arms and waiting for the tests to begin. She and the other Rangers who will be testing today are gathered around the training mats, most idly chatting as they wait for Marshal Todoroki and Marshal Aizawa. She does a quick glance around and sees some of the other Rangers stretching, so she follows suit.
“Hey, Azusa!” Someone calls out excitedly right as Azusa hears footsteps approaching her. Turning her head, she catches sight of Tetsutetsu and Kendo making their way toward her. She sends them a small smile and waves, Tetsutetsu’s bright smile making her want to put on sunglasses.
“Hey guys,” she says when the two get up to her, narrowly dodging Tetsutetsu when he tries to engulf her in a hug.
“You nervous?” Kendo asks when the three of them fall back into warm-up stretches.
“Nope. I just hope that I get a good co-pilot.” Azusa answers simply as she leans further into a leg lunge.
“How are you not nervous?? Literally, everyone will be watching; Rangers, Rangers-in-training, Marshal Aizawa, Marshal Todoroki.. You’re seriously not nervous about your dad watching the tests??” Tetsutetsu rambles out before he is whacked upside the head by Kendo.
“Dude, shut up!” Kendo reprimands and Azusa huffs out a laugh.
“No, I’m not nervous. I don’t care who’s watching.” Azusa says with a shrug of her shoulders.
“Attention, Rangers!” Marshal Aizawa’s stern voice calls out and everyone stands at attention.
“At ease,” Marshal Todoroki calls out next as he steps up next to Marshal Aizawa. Everyone relaxes but keeps their full attention on the two men at the front of the room.
“We’ll go over a brief explanation of how the tests will work, then we’ll get started.” Marshal Aizawa starts as the bleachers along the walls of the room begin filling with the other groups of Rangers-in-training that aren’t testing.
“The tests will work like this; one-on-one melee combat with bo staffs. You all have been broken up into smaller groups based on your results from previous Drift simulations and screenings. These one-on-ones will help better identify who exactly you work well with. Remember Rangers, these are dialogues, not fights. The goal is to find a co-pilot that keeps up with your moves and keeps the scores even. Should one of you outright win a match then we’ll know that person is not a match for you. The cementing stage of this test will occur at a later date when you and your co-pilot are assigned a Jaeger and go through your first real Drift together.” Marshal Aizawa explains in his normal serious yet tired tone.
“Rangers Bakugo, Kirishima, Tetsutetsu, Todoroki, Kendo, and Hado, grab your bo staffs then step onto the mat. Each of you will have one match with each other then Marshal Todoroki and I will review your scores later. Your co-pilots will be announced tomorrow if we get through everyone’s tests today. Marshal Todoroki, if you would choose the starting pairings, please,” Marshal Aizawa says and Marshal Todoroki scans over the six Rangers lined up in front of him.
“Kendo with Bakugo, Tetsutetsu with Hado, and Kirishima with Todoroki.” Marshal Todoroki says, tone firm as always and his gaze already full of judgment.
“Rangers spread out across the mat with your respective opponent and assume position. You will begin when I say so.” Marshal Aizawa commands and the Rangers listen accordingly.
Once they’ve reached a space far enough away from the other pairs, Azusa faces Kirishima with her bo staff positioned diagonally in front of her. She takes in a deep breath, steadying the few nerves that have crept into her system, and bends her knees slightly ready to move to either defend or attack. Kirishima does the same, winking at her when their eyes meet with a playful smirk on his face.
“Rangers begin,” Marshal Aizawa commands, and the pairs begin their matches.
The match between Bakugo and Kendo ends quickly with the score being; Bakugou 4 and Kendo 1. That’s not to say that Kendo didn’t try her best to keep up with Bakugou, it’s just that the blonde was relentless. Despite them all being told that the matches were supposed to flow like dialogues and not fights, it’s just like Katsuki Bakugo to do his own thing. Tetsutetsu and Hado’s match ended a bit better with their scores being; Hado 4 and Tetsutetsu 2. In both of their typical fashions, they shook hands at the end of the match, both of them wearing confident smiles.
Kirishima and Azusa started out neck and neck, but that changed quickly when Azusa got the upper hand. Their match ended with the scores being; Azusa 4 and Kirishima 2. Azusa helped Kirishima up after her final time taking him down and wished him good luck on his next match. Kirishima, being the ever-bright ray of sunshine that he is, smiled warmly at her and thanked her for a good match.
The next three rounds of matches seemed to fly by while simultaneously feeling dragged out. Azusa had won by 1 point against both Hado and Kendo, which made her feel pretty good about ending up being co-pilots with either of them. She, unfortunately, lost by 2 points against Tetsutetsu and she was a little disappointed by the fact that one of her two best friends wasn’t a very good match for her to be co-pilots with. At the end of their, match Tetsutetsu gave her an encouraging smile and told her that he would have been honored to be co-pilots with her.
“Time for the final matches for the first six Rangers. The pairings will be as follows; Hado with Kendo, Tetsutetsu with Kirishima, and Bakugo with Todoroki. Get ready, Rangers.” Marshal Aizawa calls out, and Azusa’s entire being fills with dread.
“Prepared to lose, Princess?” Bakugo goads arrogantly as the two get into position and Azusa’s blood boils a bit.
Marshal Aizawa tells them to begin and Bakugo doesn’t hesitate to make the first move. Azusa blocks his bo staff a couple of times but ultimately Bakugo lands a hit to her shoulder.
“1-0.” Bakugo comments with a cocky smirk.
Not wasting another moment, Azusa swings her bo staff knocking the blonde’s bo staff away and rushing him. With quick movements, she brings her bo staff up, then swings it down, stopping it only inches from his face.
“1-1.” She says quietly, challenging him with her eyes while her face remains neutral.
They go back and forth for what feels like hours, both of them having stopped keeping track of the score after they hit 2-2. Both of them panting and sweating, their match continues on and on until a booming voice pierces the bubble they seem to be in.
“That’s enough! Bakugo, Todoroki, your match is over. Put your bo staffs away and get on the sidelines.” Marshal Todoroki sternly tells the two and Bakugo releases Azusa from the hold he had her in.
The blonde stands and walks off to put his bo staff away, not bothering to offer Azusa help. The two don’t even look at each other once they’re both situated on the sidelines of the training mat, standing as far away from each other as possible. Kendo and Tetsutetsu both send Azusa twin looks of surprise mixed with heavy confusion, but she chooses to ignore them in favor of watching the next group of matches.
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Note ~ I know that there may not be much to go off of but let me know what you think so far! Should I post chapter/part 2 sooner than planned? Idk, I'm just loving how the story is turning out and wanted to share it with yall! I love and appreciate you, Lovelies! <3
Ps, @tr-mha-fan I'm doing my best to work on your (second) request, I promise that I didn't ignore your ask, Lovely! <3
Taglist ~ @tomiokasecretlover
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light-suki · 18 days
Katsuki lays his head on Luna’s stomach as she rests.
Luna: you’re such a sweet guy (stroke his hair)
Katsuki: moans and looks up at Luna.
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goose-draws-it · 1 year
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Nothin to see here, just some post-‘sparring’ smooches! Nothing scandalous, nope, not here officer!
The spicy version is available on my patreon and eventually my twitter!
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True [Chapter Three] Keep Running [Bakugou Katsuki]
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Warning(s): Reunion, Katsuki being Katsuki, OC, angst, tears, confrontation, short chapter.
No Minors Allowed!!
The outfit Mao Usui chose for Airi was mature. She considered wearing a dress to the reunion, but Mina's 'reminder' email stated that the event was business casual, so she opted not to wear something too stiff, especially after reading the P.S. that read: expect to dance.
At around seven, Airi was dressed in a pair of skinny cropped trousers, a silk blouse, and heeled loafers. She checked herself in the bathroom mirror, content with leaving her hair as was, then strode to the living room. Her mother and father sat on the couch, watching a Rom-Com that she had no interest in, invested until she walked in. Mao smiled widely, seafoam-colored hair pulled in a lax ponytail over her shoulder, then paused the TV.
"You look so lovely, dear."
Airi felt her face heat up. Even as an adult, the kindness of her mother had a way of lightening her apprehension.
"Thank you. I appreciate you letting me borrow one of your outfits."
"It would have taken up space in our closet otherwise," Kaito teased.
Mao tossed him a playful glare. It was no surprise that her mother was a shopaholic; she loved to buy clothing. Before she was bedridden, she planned outings just so she could dress up. Airi admired her quirky behavior. She was happy to see it return, even if it was through her.
"You're going to have all eyes on you when you walk in."
She doubted it, but the sentiment was kind.
"I think, dear, she only cares about one person seeing her," Kaito stated.
Was he referring to Katsuki? Airi felt her face heat up. While she told her parents that the relationship between them had ended, she did not tell them that she and Katsuki were not speaking. It was certainly not mutual.
"I...better go."
As though she had forgotten something, Mao leaped off the couch and rushed to the foyer, bringing back a charcoal-tailored trench coat.
"You should take this as well," Mao suggested.
Airi accepted the trench coat and slid it on. She said her goodbyes, retrieved her purse, then left the house, quickly walking to the train station. The ride was brief, but it gave her a moment to mull over the statement her father made. It should not have affected her as much as it had, but it did. Did she want Katsuki to acknowledge her?
She was not sure. Was he even going to be there? When Katsuki saw her yesterday, he did not look too happy that she had come home. It would not surprise Airi if he did not show up at the reunion because she was going to be there. It was sad, but she hoped that was the case. If he did show, however, then she would just have to ignore him. Easy Peasy. Or so she thought.
When the train reached the station, she deboarded and briskly walked through the terminal into the city. An air of nostalgia washed over Airi as she fondly took in the neon lights. As expected, for a Saturday, it was crowded, though, despite the mass of people, she made it to the convention center, albeit a few minutes late.
An A-frame sign in the foyer instructed her of where to go, but Airi had already been in the building once, so she walked to the event hall without trouble. Even if she did not know where to go, the faint upbeat tempo of whatever music Mina had chosen to play echoed down the hall, drawing her closer.
As she came to the double doors, which were closed, she noticed a long foldable table off to the side. Two of her fellow alumni stood behind it, the former representatives from class 1A and 1B.
"Kendo...Iida," she greeted with a smile, approaching them.
On the table, she briefly noticed a guest book and multiple name tags spread about; names of students from the Hero Course to the Business Course. Everyone had been invited.
"Usui," Iida Tenya retorted in a scolding tone. "You are late. Punctuality is–"
"The key to success," Airi interjected. She ran a hand through her hair and chuckled. He had said it plenty enough for her not to forget. "I apologize. There's no reason for me not to be on time."
Aside from the crowd outside.
Iida hummed, adjusting his glasses. He was still the same as Airi remembered, obsessed with discipline. The only thing that made him seem a little out of character, in her opinion, was the way he wore his hair now, in a skin fade slick back.
"Yes, well, you are here now. It's good to see you again," he stated with a smile.
Airi felt the same. With their pleasantries aside, Kendo Itsuya took over, informing her to find her name tag and wear it.
"Don't forget to sign the guest book too," she instructed. Her short orange hair charmingly framed her face. "And have a great time."
Before she wandered into the event hall, she noted that among the many tags that remained, Katsuki had not yet collected his. A feeling of sadness washed over Airi, but she ignored it. His absence was not going to ruin her night.
The air, thick yet somehow cool, immediately took her breath away. It reminded Airi of the U.A. Festival, of hundreds of people shoved in a room, breathing in all the oxygen. She could hardly take it back then, working with the staging crew during Class 1-A's band performance. Even now, she felt like she might suffocate. Perhaps it was just her nerves.
Taking in an uneasy breath, she opted to get something to drink to soothe her dry throat. The food spread that Momo put together was miraculous. Airi nibbled on some sugar bacon-wrapped smokies while she glanced around the crowded room. She noticed a few of her former classmates, dancing or wandering about, but she was far too comfortable at the table to join them. It was not until her second cup of punch that she heard a familiar voice call out her name.
Ashido Mina approached her, with a pout on her face. Her long pink hair was tied in a bun on the top of her head; unruly strands had fallen free, no doubt while she had been dancing.
"I know you aren't just going to stand over here all night like a wallflower and not come say hi to me." Her long horns wiggled in protest.
Airi snorted. "Hi, Mina."
The pout faded, replaced with a wide smile.
"Are you having fun so far?" She asked.
Airi shook her head, even though she had just recently arrived. She knew how much the event meant to Mina; she did most of the planning herself. Izuku and Momo took care of the rest.
Speaking of...
"Have you seen Izuku yet?"
Mina shook her head.
"He and Kairi are getting the equipment set up backstage. I asked Jirou to perform for us."
Did she? Airi smiled in excitement, though Mina's next question made her feel a little uncomfortable.
"So, where you happy to reunite with Bakugou again?"
She must not have known. Airi did not tell anyone aside from her parents that she had broken up with him. He must have kept the incident to himself as well. She considered telling her, but honestly, she was feeling a little on the spot. Suddenly, to her luck, a familiar sound began to play over the speakers and she forced a smile.
[Na-na, na-na-na
Ready for my show.]
"Come dance with me!" Airi shouted.
To her luck, Mina put the question in the back of her mind and enthusiastically took Airi by the arm, leading her to the dance floor among the other students. She did not care if she did not know how to dance well enough, so long as she did not have to talk about her ex.
The more she danced, the more Airi realized how much she missed her friends. Kairi soon joined them, then Momo. Three songs later, Jirou Kyoka and her band began to play, giving Airi a short break to rest her feet and get a drink. She was thankful that she did not wear a dress and heels tonight. Nostalgically, she listened to Jirou sing. The prosthetic she wore in place of her left ear and earphone jack was hardly noticeable beneath her long asymmetrical purple hair. Airi made it through two songs before the punch unfortunately caught up to her. Excusing herself, she hurried from the room and down the hall to the restroom.
When her business was finished, Airi washed her hands, then strode back toward the event hall. She rounded the corner where Iida and Kendo had been standing to see them gone, most likely inside the event hall. On the other side of the table, to her shock, was Bakugou Katsuki, grumbling to himself about something she could not hear as he clipped the name tag onto the front of his button-down. Airi held back a gasp. She considered fleeing back into the bathroom, but his head turned, meeting her eyes.
Immediately, she froze.
Oh, shit.
Why was he just standing there? Was he waiting for her to say something first? Airi took a moment to look him over, taking note of how nice he looked. She did not know what else to do; she felt like a frightened animal caught in the high beams of a speeding vehicle.
Growing tired of her silence, Katsuki knitted his brows in irritation, then turned and strode toward the entrance doors of the hall. Airi quickly lost her nerve.
"Y-you look good with an undercut. I like it."
An air of embarrassment washed over her, turning her cheeks a faint red as soon as the words came out of her mouth. Airi felt like an idiot. She was on the verge of apologizing when Katsuki swung around to glare at her. His shoulders were tense, clenched as though he were about to explode.
"Are you fucking serious?" He asked with a snarl. "After all this time that's what you say to me."
Airi swallowed hard. Her heart pounded in her chest and for a brief moment, she fought back tears. His anger was expected; she knew it would be hard to face him again.
"What do you want me to say? I've already said everything I can, Katsuki. Would you even reply if I said it was good to see you again? Or snarl at me like you have and walk away."
She didn't even know why she was trying to talk to him. It was not like he wanted to hold a conversation with her, not after ending the relationship like she did. It was immature and cowardly, a fact she had to live with since it happened. As much as she did not want him to see her cry, she could not hold back her tears. They floated in front of her face. 
“No. You're right,” she uttered. “How dumb of me.” 
Walking toward him, she kept her attention to the double doors. 
“I don't want you to forgive me, Katsuki. I just– I'm sorry. For what it's worth, I don't like me much either.”
The tears fell to the floor with a plip. Airi used the sleeve of her trench coat to dry her face, walked past him, and then reentered the hall. She said what she wanted to and even if he did not care, she felt a little better. 
This isn't permanent. When my time here is up, I can rejoin Synergos and continue running. 
That's what she did best after all.
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huntedhounds · 8 months
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an alt piece for red_riot_4666 on insta because we both liked my draft sketches so much that i had to do the two of them hehe
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Making moves on the criminals.
Warnings: Mha stuff idk. Todobakudeku but it's not poly their just a group. Bakugou is a grump but a softie. Todobakudeku are criminals. OC is a detective. Criminal/crime stuff idk. OC insert. Kinda sad.
When I became a detective, the first thing I learnt was that if the criminal is charming, to never fall for the facade. It was my co-worker Mina Ashido who had told me that. She claimed that on her first day, a jewel thief named Tomura Shigaraki tried to bribe her with a dinner date to get out of jail.
I couldn't help but laugh at the story. I couldn't imagine having a criminal try to flirt his way out of jail. It sounds ridiculous. However, it truly does happen quite a lot. Not to me. But I've heard way too many stories of thieves and killers trying to bribe their way out of being proven guilty.
I thought I could never happen to me. That I was safe from that stuff and when I was assigned to track down three high profile thieves who robbed a secure bank vault hiding 20 million dollars in gold, I thought it could finally, FINALLY be my big break.
But I was so wrong. Standing at the door to the interrogation room, I flicked through my files before entering. My chief Yagi Toshinori handed me a folder labeled "S.T. K.B. I.M" they were initials.
"Is this my information?" I asked
"It's everything you need to know" He said gruffly, sighing almost sympathetically.
I opened the folder to see 1 sheet. My mouth fell open. "What the hell is this?!"
"It's your information"
The information, as mentioned, was a single sheet of paper with very little detail. On the top of the page sat three words with small lettering beside them in brackets: Deku (izuku midoriya). Dynamight (Katsuki Bakugou). Freezerburn (shoto todoroki). All colored red.
Next there were three dot points about each of them. I read shoto's first.
●Use a Quiet Voice when talking
●wear protective Gloves
●wear hazmat suit (if necessary)
If that was just one of them, I didn't want to know how dangerous the other two were going to be.
I took a breath and opened the door to the interrogation room. There, sat patiently at a metal table, were the three thieves.
One, I guessed to be Shoto Todoroki, sat on the left, he had split dyed red and white hair and a large scar on the right of his face, it looked almost like fire in the light. He bared a bored expression, unlike the fluffy green haired male beside him.
From memory, he was Izuku Midoriya. He had small freckles and a button nose. Unlike Shoto, he was quite friendly looking. He even seemed a bit innocent.
Contrasting them all had to be Katsuki Bakugou. His ashy blonde hair and red eyes made him the most intimidating of them all. He wore a scowl on his face that was anything but gentle.
This is what I was dealing with, and even though shoto and izuku seemed innocent enough, I had to remember they were all criminals.
"So" I cleared my throat and placed the file on the table.
Before I could say anything, I was cut off my Bakugou yawning obnoxiously loud. "I'm sorry Mr Bakugou is this boring for you?"
"Actually, yes. I've never been so fucking bored in my life" Bakugou groans. he leans back and puts his hands behind his head and feet on the table.
"You should have considered the boredom before you stolen 20 million dollars".
I opened the file. "Mr Midoriya," I said, looking at the greenette. "It says you entered the bank 20 minutes after Mr Todoroki had froze the civilians inside. Can you explain to me why?" I put my hands on the table.
Izuku was biting his nails. "Because I like the number 20?" He was trying to ease tension. I could tell.
"Mr Midoriya, please,"
"You're so demanding, Officer, you like that with everyone?" Bakugou cut in. He had a cocky tone and a smug grin on his face.
I grabbed his ankles and pushed them off the table. They landed with a thud. "HEY!" Bakugou scowled. "DONT YOU TOUCH ME!"
He pointed a finger at me. Somehow it was more intimidating then the scowl he had when I walked it.
"You will respect me, or you can find someone else to help you. And they won't be as nice as I am" I hit bakugous finger away from my face.
Shoto reached for Bakugou's shoulder. "That's enough, Katsuki." He spoke gently it was Potentially a few decibels just above a whisper, that's the only way I could describe it.
Somehow, he'd calmed Katsuki Bakugou down enough to put him back. In his chair, he still scowled. "When bakugou was finished sparking the metal gate enough for it to heat up, he broke it apart. Izuku broke in through the roof, and I had broken in through the windows to freeze everyone. It wasn't a plan. We had improvised"
My mouth fell agape. Improvised? You mean to tell me that the three most wanted theives in Musutafu, Japan, improvised a bank robbery? IMPROVISED?!
"I'm sorry, what? You must be kidding." I laughed in disbelief.
"Ha! You didn't really think we had a plan, did you?!" Bakugou laughed maniacally. Even izuku and Shoto chuckled with him.
I felt like an idiot. I really thought they had planned the whole thing. I couldn't be mad at myself, I mean, they were experts in these things. It makes sense that they could pull off such things with no plan at all.
"I feel sympathy for you," shoto announced. "Perhaps i can help you out," he gave a small and cheeky smile.
"Don't feel sorry for me. I don't want your pity" I huffed.
"You know aren't so bad coppa. Maybe if you join us, we can show you just how good being bad really is. Or you can sit around being lazy and sorting files for these morons, "
Bakugou leaned his elbows on the table.
"Kacchan is right," Izuku spoke. "We aren't as bad as it seems. But on the other hand you don't want this life. It's not one that everyone wants and needs. Barely anyone deserves it"
Izuku sounded like he spoke from the heart.
"We've seen a lot of things. Awful things I wish I could erase from my memory. It's what this job does to you, it steals your life away"
Suddenly, the air became suffocating. A wave of emotion struck the room. I found myself staring at three now quite upset theives. In this moment, they weren't, though. They weren't bad people or horrible. They didn't hurt me. They were just young adults trying to make a living.
"I wish I could help you. But I love my job. It's what I always wanted to do" I bit my lips nervously.
"Please don't put us away, Sanaka. We can't afford to be in prison"
My heart stopped when Bakugou said my name. "You know my name?"
"I read your file before you came in. You used to be a thief too" bakugou states almost smugly.
I sighed. "Yes. I stole 2 million dollars worth of rubies from a trader in Tokyo. It took them a year to catch me, and I spent 3 in prison. I was only 17 at the time"
I tried to stop the tears from swelling but I couldn't. "You know we get it" shoto said softly. Genuinely.
"I don't know how to help you all. I feel sorry for you. This isn't the life you all want, I can tell"
I looked at them. Shoto's glimmering heterochromic eyes of blue and brown. Bakugou’s deep scarlet eyes like gemstones with a sharp cut and Izukus glossy brown puppy dog eyes.
"What do you need from me?"
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ryvant · 2 years
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he has rabies <3
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selenejeong · 3 days
Good evening, I'm Selene Jeong, I'm new to the app (I knew it existed but I couldn't remember how to spell it) I never thought about having a blog or anything like that.
Buenas noches, soy Selene Jeong, soy nueva en la aplicación (sabía que existía pero no recordaba cómo se escribía), nunca pensé en tener un blog ni nada de eso.
I want to tell you that I do not speak or write in English, I use the keyboard translator, and also since I realized that there are many people like in all social networks, I am going to put everything that I publish Here it will be in Spanish and English, perhaps in the future I can do it without the help of a translator.
Quiero comentarles que no hablo ni escribo en inglés, uso el traductor del teclado, y además como me di cuenta que hay mucha gente como en todas las redes sociales, voy a poner todo será en español e inglés, quizás en un futuro pueda hacerlo sin ayuda de un traductor.
Since I'm new here, I want to let you know that I draw and write on Wattpad. Below I'll leave you the link to my story 😊
Cómo soy nueva aqui quiero comunicarles que dibujo y escribo en Wattpad, más abajo voy a dejarles el link de mi historia 😊
I'm still a teenager so I'm collapsing thanks to the large amount of activities that the educational institution I go to leaves, that also means that I'm a minor so please don't let this social network lose its charm, I'm not going to be very active either, so I thank you in advance for your patience.
Aún soy una adolescente así que estoy colapsando gracias a la gran cantidad de actividades que deja la institución educativa a la que voy, eso también quiere decir que soy menor de edad así que no hagan que está red social pierda su encanto, tampoco voy a estar muy activa que digamos así que le doy de ante mano gracias por su paciencia.
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artistic-endchamber · 2 years
--Reverse Comfort-- [] A Bakugou X OC! Reader []
♥ 𝘽𝙖𝙠𝙪𝙜𝙤𝙪 𝙓 𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙧 ♥
♥ 𝘾𝙖𝙩𝙚𝙜𝙤𝙧𝙮: 𝙁𝙡𝙪𝙛𝙛 ♥
♥ 𝙂𝙚𝙣𝙙𝙚𝙧: Fem! Oc! 𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙧 𝙓 𝙈𝙖𝙡𝙚! 𝘽𝙖𝙠𝙪𝙜𝙤𝙪 ♥
•❣•୨୧ "God's sake, don't hurt yourself while trying to be better, its not going to help." ୨୧•❣•
-- @pixeldemonia --
"--" Means Kuromi [OC] is speaking
"--" means Bakugou is speaking
Kuromi was sitting on her bed in a weird position. Well, to her it was a comfortable position, but weird nonetheless.
"Damn... How many messages can I possibly get- 'specially on snapchat??"
Scrolling through her phone, she sighed.
"Take That, Bitchass! Don't mess with me or you'll get beat to a pulp!"
She rolled her eyes at the word she had just heard.
of course he's training.
Katsuki fucking Bakugou. Her apartment neighbor. The two had met each other in highschool, 'Highschool sweethearts', if you may. Both starting-up pro-heroes, and with her working at his agency, they would talk a lot.
And that means a lot.
Actually, she would have talked to him if he hadn't come so late today aswell.
She propped up quickly, what the hell was going on?!?! She grabbed her first-aid bag, and rushed over. Grabbing her spare keys to his house, she unlocked the door and barged in.
Oh. nothing too big was happening, he was waving his fist in anger and agony, but it was just because he had hit the punching bag so hard that he had busted it open.
He looked at Kuromi, confused. And when she shook her head in embarrassment, he stepped closer.
"Why'd you come here"
"Nothing, It's nothing."
"Well, it cant be. You just rushed in here and..." his eyes fluttered wide, and then he muffled a snicker "Fuck, Pretty eyes,, you were worried weren't you-?!?!!"
He let his laugh out, and after catching his breath he sighed.
"Damn, I love you too."
"Wow. What an amazing way to respond, Dynamite-"
"Oh, shut up-"
He pulled her into a hug, and laughed again when she squirmed at the sudden gesture.
"Fuck you"
"But that's your job,, Isn't it??"
"... Idiot."
And with that, he threw her on the couch of his living room and sat next to her, but still facing her.
"Do whatever you came here to do."
"Uhmmmm- what??"
"you said you came here because you were worried, right?? So do whatever you would have done if I had been in the situation you thought I was in."
"That's... A weird request,, but okay-"
She grabbed his right wrist -The one he had used to break the punching bag- and made him relax the hand's posture, grabbing her kit, she grabbed the disinfectant,, and started spraying at the cut skin (However he was punching it, it was concerning to think about it-).
"Shit, pretty eyes, that buuurns-"
"Oh shut up you big baby."
After successfully shutting him up, and grabbed the cotton pads, placed them on his cuts, and wrapped his hand up with Gauze.
She then sighed, and grabbed her bag, proceeding to get out of his apartment, when she was stopped by a pulling of a wrist. She fell slightly backward on the couch again and felt arms wrap around her waist. She could feel her face getting hot as she heard his voice come out in a whisper next to her ear.
"Stay with me tonight, Princess."
"ASDFGHJKL AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH- HERE YOU GO @pixeldemonia -!!!! ITS HORRIBLE,, BUT I REALLY TRIEDDD-" -------------------------@artistic-endchamber-------------------------
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secondsineternity · 1 year
Chapter Twenty-Three
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Lara Maximoff-Midoriya is the problem child. The kid that’s been kicked out of every alternative school in the region, the kid that gets in too many fights, despite being born Quirkless. No one knows her true past, no one knows her true power- except for one Katsuki Bakugo.
When her adoptive brother Izuku is accepted into U.A. High School, she couldn’t care less- until the day she’s been kicked out of her latest new school and has no other option but to tag along with him. Enemies are made, friendships are formed, and love is found in the most unexpected places as Lara comes to terms with her past and forges her future.
My first time posting about this fic on here. Enjoy! 🥰
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ghostxrose · 3 months
Of Monsters and Men | Bakugo Katsuki x OC
Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four | Part Five | Part Six | Part Seven |
Tags/Warnings ~ Fem!OC, angst, hurt/comfort, eventual fluff, enemies to friends to lovers, slow burn, potentially triggering content, universe-typical violence, Enji Todoroki (yes, that is a warning, he's trash), character death, suicidal ideation, (more tags to be added as story develops <3)
Note ~ Hey, Lovelies. Sorry that I've been MIA, I'm kinda going through it and it's been impacting my motivation to write. I am hoping to drag myself out of this funk and get some new stuff out for y'all, though.. Just know that I love and appreciate all of you. <3
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Azusa’s brain can’t even fully register what just happened. In the twenty years that she’s been on this godforsaken earth, never has Enji Todoroki ever laid a hand on her. His brand of abuse has strictly been mental and emotional. She’s never even been spanked. But as her brain short-circuits and she cradles her throbbing cheek with one hand, she’s in complete shock. Sounds become muffled and her vision takes on a distortion that makes everything seem surreal. Azusa doesn’t even feel like she’s in her body as she stands up to run out of the room. Enji’s voice rings in her ears, but he sounds distant and his words echo through her mind as she flees.
Unconsciously slamming Enji’s office door behind her, Azusa nearly slams into Bakugo. The two Rangers share a brief look; Bakugo’s eyes wide and an uncharacteristic concern blanketing his features, while Azusa’s face is stuck with shock and her eyes are swimming with fear along with so much more. Before Bakugo can even get a word out of his opening mouth, Azusa bolts for the elevator.
Azusa tries with every conscious thread that she can grasp onto to hold herself together for the entire elevator ride back to the floor her bunk is on. Her chest feels tight and her throat hurts from the strain of swallowing down her sobs and whimpers. When the elevator finally stops she stumbles out of it, ignoring the concerned and off-put looks from others around her as she rushes toward her room. She barely notices Aizawa leaning against the wall next to the door to her bunk, let alone fully registers his voice commanding those around to move on.
Azusa’s entire body is shaking as she struggles to unlock her door and when she finally does, she practically falls into her room. Aizawa catches her before she collapses, wrapping his arms around her and pulling her tightly to his chest. He manages to close the door and the sound of it shutting finally triggers Azusa to break down.
Her sobs come out as choked wails of anguish only muffled by Aizawa’s newly tear-stained shirt. Her hands fist the back of Aizawa’s shirt, her knuckles white from how tight her grip is. She can hear Aizawa trying to speak to her, but his voice sounds like he’s underwater and she can’t think beyond every emotion crashing into her. Her cheek throbs with white-hot, tingling pain every time her face scrunches from another gut-wrenching sob. Suddenly she’s being moved, Aizawa guiding her to her bed and urging her to sit.
“Nonononono, please! Please don’t leave! Please, please, please!” She begs through sobs as she feels Aizawa peeling himself away from her.
Aizawa’s slimmer form gets replaced by someone’s bulkier, more muscular form but Azusa clings to them all the same. It doesn’t take much conscious thought to know that whoever this new person is, isn’t her father. Hesitant arms wrap around her in what would be an awkward and embarrassing hug if she were in her right mind. But she isn’t, instead her entire being is shattering as she wails into an assumed stranger’s chest.
“I’m sorry, kid.. Just, both of you stay here, I’ll be right back.” Aizawa’s apologetic tone cuts through the sound of Azusa’s blood rushing in her ears. She chokes on more pleas for him not to leave and flinches at the sound of her door closing. The arms wrapped around her tighten, but it does little to soothe her rampant emotions.
“H-he hi-hit m-m-me, h-he fucking h-it me..” Azusa stutters out as her shaking increases and her sobs become more guttural.
“I.. I know.” A male voice quietly rasps out and it’s a voice that Azusa is all too fucking familiar with. She tears herself away from the body that she had been pathetically clinging to as mortification shoves its way past all of the other emotions that have torn to the surface. Azusa and the man she’s despised the last two years stare at each other with matching looks of shock. Bakugo’s shock being from her sudden retreat, and Azusa’s shock being from realizing just who she’s been breaking down in front of.
“Ge-get ou-out,” Azusa whispers hoarsely as painful sobs still fall from her mouth, her body subconsciously backing up to the corner of the bed and beginning to curl into itself.
Confused exasperation contorts Bakugo’s features, “No, I- Marshal Aizawa said to-”
“Get out! Get out! Get out! GET OUT!” Azusa begins shouting, choking on sobs and wincing from the pain radiating from her cheek. Her hands come up to grip her hair at the roots as she continues shouting, probably looking like a complete lunatic.
“Todor-” Bakugo tries calling out to Azusa, but using her surname only seems to make her state worsen if the way she shouts “no” over and over again is anything to go off of.
“Damn it- Azusa! I’m not leavin’! I’ve been right on the other side of the door both times he’s yelled at you this week! I’ve been inside your fuckin’ head! I ain’t leavin’ you here like this knowin’ what I know!” Bakugo yells over her shouts.
Between her frayed emotions and her shattered mental state, Azusa doesn’t have it in her to keep arguing with Bakugo. Her throat feels like she’s swallowing glass and there’s a metallic taste on her tongue, but her wails keep coming. Her hands abandon their grip on her hair and move to cover her face. Her pain is intensified as her hand presses against her bruised cheek, but she buries her face in her hands anyway.
“Fuck,” Bakugo curses quietly with tired exasperation already stretched way past his emotionally-stunted limits.
Bakugo unties and kicks his boots off before cautiously crawling across the bed toward Azusa. Feeling the mattress shift, she recoils tighter into herself but Bakugo reluctantly ignores the action. Bakugo situates himself next to her and leans back against the wall, stretching his legs out. He spreads them out and gently pulls Azusa into the space between them, avidly ignoring how embarrassed and awkward the position makes him feel. She resists a bit but ultimately relents to lean her body against the front of his, her head resting against his chest as she continues to shake and sob. Bakugo lets his head fall back to softly rest against the wall and he looks up to the ceiling as a heavy sigh leaves him.
Azusa flinches slightly when Bakugo’s arms wrap around her body, his hands coming up to gently pull hers from her face. She’s starting to feel the exhaustion creep in but she can’t stop crying and all of the pain she’s feeling, emotional and physical, won’t relent. Her sobs have calmed down the tiniest bit, at least to the point that she isn’t choking on them anymore and she can kind of breathe.
“I-I wish th-that day w-would have ha-happened the way tha-that i-it should h-have..” Azusa cries and stutters out, and she feels Bakugo’s breath hitch in his chest.
“Don’t say shit like that.” Bakugo says in a quietly firm tone after a moment of silence, and it’s all Azusa needs to know that he understands what day she’s talking about.
“I-I mean it.. Y-you al-ready know..” Azusa cries with anguish.
Suddenly, her bunk door opens causing both her and Bakugo to startle. Aizawa walks in and Azusa wastes no time in detaching herself from Bakugo’s hold, and moving to the edge of the bed toward one of the only people in the world that’s ever made her feel safe and comforted.
“He already knows what, kid?” Aizawa questions, softly for Azusa’s sake, as he makes his way toward her with an ice pack in hand.
Aizawa hands the ice pack to Azusa, quietly telling her to gently hold it against her face. She takes the ice pack without a word, doing as she was instructed as she leans forward to rest her forehead against his chest. Aizawa may not have ever had kids of his own, but with Azusa being like a daughter to him, or at the very least a niece, he feels comfortable enough to be soft around her. Comfortable enough to let her cry against him, and to soothingly run a hand over her hair to try to calm her crying.
Aizawa’s eyes shift from Azusa to Bakugo who sits in place with a shaken look on his face. Bakugo’s eyes connect with Aizawa’s but all he does is silently shake his head at the Marshal’s questioning gaze. Aizawa lets out a quiet and tired sigh before looking down at Azusa, noticing that the poor girl’s sobs have finally calmed down to a less intense level of crying.
“Zusa, you should try to get some rest. You’ve been through a lot today, kid. Let your mind take a break for a bit,” Aizawa gently suggests and Azusa’s hand curls tighter into the bit of his shirt that she's gripping weakly at his side.
“H-he hit m-me, Sh-shota.. s-sl-slapped m-me.. I-I’ve never s-seen him so an-angry.. I-I’m usually s-so careful t-to not m-make h-him so-” Azusa stutters out weakly sounding absolutely broken.
“Sshh, sshh, Azusa, I know..” Aizawa says with forced calm, his inner rage reaching a boiling point with how fed up he is with Enji. “Bakugo, you can go. I’m going to stay with her a bit until she falls asleep, then I have some business to take care of.” Aizawa says, looking at Bakugo who still hasn’t moved from his spot or wiped the shaken look off of his face.
Bakugo seems to snap back into reality at Aizawa’s words and he forces a look of neutrality on his face, “Sir, I.. I don’t have anything that requires my attention at the moment. I can stay with her while you go attend to.. business.” Bakugo's voice is even as he speaks, but his fists clench tightly where they rest and his eyes burn with anger.
Aizawa studies him for a moment, pondering if that would be a good decision, but then he feels Azusa’s hand release it’s grip some and her body slumps a bit. He can feel a barely-there nod against his chest and he takes that as her being okay with that course of action.
“Fine. But if she needs me to come back here then I expect you to call me immediately. You may have been inside her head a couple of times now, Bakugo, but you don’t know what she’s had to deal with or the shit I’ve had to keep my mouth shut about, per her request, all of these years.” Aizawa’s slightly threatening tone makes Bakugo’s eyes widen a bit, but he nods his head in understanding. Aizawa gently urges Azusa to lean back and he carefully pulls her hand away from her face to inspect her swollen cheek. Anger blazes in his eyes and his jaw clenches, but he remains soft and careful in his movements and words of reassurance.
“Keep that ice on there for a bit longer, then try to get some rest okay, kid? I’ll come back in a bit with something from the Mess Hall.” Aizawa says quietly as he meets Azusa’s eyes.
“Okay.. Thank you, Shota,” Azusa quietly rasps out and reluctantly pulls away from him completely. Aizawa accepts the thanks with as much brokenhearted grace as he can muster as he gently pats her head a couple of times before stepping back.
“Bakugo, a moment?” Aizawa demands slightly as he opens the door. Bakugo is quick to get off of Azusa’s bed, leaving her with room to lay down and pull the blanket over herself, and he follows Aizawa to just outside of the bunk.
“I don’t know what kind of reconciliation or cease fire you two have put into place for the time being, but do not pick a fight with her right now,” Aizawa borderline threatens once again. “And we will be discussing what exactly you both were talking about right before I got back. Understood, Ranger?”
“Yes, Sir,” Bakugo says, slightly intimidated, and Aizawa firmly nods before turning to walk away.
“Oh, and Marshal?” Bakugo calls out making Aizawa pause and turn around, “Give him hell.” Bakugo says with angered seriousness.
Aizawa gives him another more determined nod before turning back around and walking away. Bakugo walks back into Azusa’s bunk and tries to close the door as quietly as he can, not wanting to startle her.
Azusa is lying on her side, her uninjured cheek squished against her pillow, and occasional shivers run down her body both from the cold ice pack and her fried emotions. She can feel her mind sinking into the safety that numbness promises and she looks up at Bakugo with almost emotionless eyes. She can only imagine the mess that she looks like right now, but at this point she finds herself uncaring.
“You can sit wherever you’d like, just don’t go through my shit.” Azusa rasps out and Bakugo gives an annoyed roll of his eyes before sitting himself down in her desk chair.
“Why the hell would I want to do that? We’re co-pilots, remember? Being inside your brain is enough.” Bakugo snarks, albeit with less heat than usual, and Azusa would roll her eyes if she had the strength.
A few moments of silence passes by before Azusa speaks again, “Anything you tell Sho- Marshal Aizawa won’t be anything he hasn’t heard directly from me before.. So, if you were stressed or something about the talk you guys will be having later, then don’t be.”
Bakugo looks at her with slightly widened eyes both from her admittance and from the near-emotionless tone of her voice. He schools his expression back into one of neutrality as he crosses his arms and looks at the ceiling, “Wasn’t stressed about it, so just try to sleep, ‘kay?”
“Whatever, Bakugo,” Azusa quietly replies, her eyes drifting shut. There’s another moment of silence before Bakugo catches what she says just barely above a whisper;
“Thank you..”
Azusa groggily wakes up some time later to the sound of her bunk door opening and the hushed sound of voices talking. One of her eyes opens with ease while the other struggles to open halfway due to the swelling from her injured cheek. She groans as a yawn tries to escape her mouth, her cheek and the sore muscles underneath fiercely protesting such an action. The low voices quiet as Azusa slowly sits up, her fingers running through her hair attempting to tame it.
Everything that happened earlier tries to batter her freshly awakened brain, but Azusa is quick to throw up her walls despite how weak they are. “What time is it?” She asks without looking at the other two people in her room, her voice still hoarse yet emotionless. She hears the familiar sound of Aizawa’s signature tired sigh and her eyes shift to look at him.
“Bakugo, just go. They’re still serving food in the Mess Hall, then you need to get some rest, you both will be attempting another Drift trial tomorrow.” Aizawa says to Bakugo before turning to Azusa.
Azusa watches as Bakugo clenches his fists and his teeth grit together. She woke up too late to catch any significant pieces of the two’s conversation, but judging by Bakugo’s obvious agitation it wasn’t anything light. The blonde doesn’t put up much of a fight as he leaves Azusa’s bunk without a word, closing the door surprisingly calmly behind him as he goes.
“It’s a little past seven. I brought you some food, it’s not anything fancy just whatever was easy to carry.” Aizawa quietly informs her, stepping closer then sitting at the edge of her bed. “..You feeling a bit better after some rest, kid?”
Azusa silently takes the food from Aizawa’s hands and numbly unwraps the sandwich, “I feel fine. Thanks for the food.” She says, her tone still blank but she visibly winces as she takes a small bite of her sandwich.
Aizawa looks at her with a sad look in his eye and another sigh, “I know that you’re not fine, kid. You don’t have to shut down like this, not in front of me. Here, take these pain meds and drink some water.”
Azusa’s walls begin to crumble at Aizawa’s gentle tone and her hands shake as she sets her sandwich down, then takes the pain pills and water bottle. She chokes down the medicine and water as her whole body begins to tremble from the force of trying to hold back more sobs. Picking up her sandwich again she tries to continue eating, ignoring the tears starting to roll down her face.
Aizawa raises one of his arms, silently extending the offer of comfort that he knows Azusa needs right now. She doesn’t waste any time in repositioning herself, abandoning her sandwich to cling to Aizawa’s side. She buries her face into his chest despite her cheek screaming in pain.
A million thoughts race through her mind, battering against her skull as she cries. Is she really cut out for this? Would Toya be disappointed in her? Would she really be all that upset if Enji kicked her out of the Jaeger program? Why is Enji so angry at her all the time? Has she really pushed him to his limits? Is he going to hit her again? She.. she wishes..
“I wish you were my dad instead of him..” Azusa’s thoughts begin pouring from her mouth in broken stutters. “E-Enji hates me! Every m-move I make sets him off! I-I-I don’t get it! Wh-why have kids if you were going to make it clear that they were unwanted in the first place??”
Azusa can feel Aizawa’s breath hitch and his arm wraps around her tighter. As his other arm comes up to wrap around her, Azusa catches sight of his hand. It’s visibly swollen and his knuckles look split but they aren’t bleeding, at least not anymore. Distantly, a sick satisfaction settles in the back of her mind thinking about the shiner Enji must be sporting right now.
“I’m so sorry, kid.. sorry that you got stuck with a monster for a father.. sorry that I’ve kept my stupid mouth shut about his behaviors for so long.. I feel that I’ve failed you just as much as he has..” Aizawa says quietly, his defeat and guilt evident in his tone. He hugs her tighter and gently rests his chin on the top of her head.
Azusa shakes her head slightly, “Please don’t.. y-you’ve helped me and my siblings a lot over the years.. They wouldn’t, and I don’t, blame you for not wanting to interfere with another person’s career even with how that person treats their family.. it’s not like there’s ever been much proof.. except for now, I guess, since he’s decided to start getting physical..” She whispers out between sniffles and her unending crying.
Aizawa cringes slightly at Azusa’s words, but he knows that she’s right. Enji’s game has always been verbal abuse behind closed doors. There hasn’t been a chance to get proof in the past, but even now it would difficult to prove that it was Enji that hit Azusa. It’s an overall shitty situation.
Aizawa doesn’t say anything more, his heart hurting for Azusa. He just continues to hold her tightly as he ponders reporting Enji and whether or not the rest of the Todoroki family would be okay with that.
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Note ~ Hit the ask button and leave me angsty prompts/ideas, pretty please. <3
Taglist ~ @tomiokasecretlover
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light-suki · 2 months
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Date night
He and Luna are going to go on the ferris wheel.
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jeshika136 · 2 years
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Here is my submission for the #KRBKSeries I based this art off of the relaxing day on the lake episode. I thought the episode was super adorable.
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lunaaudiocoski · 9 months
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Chapter 6 of "Retornos de vida Bakugou Katsuki x OC" (Returns of Life) is now on both Wattpad and AO3
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huntedhounds · 9 months
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another comm for red_riot_4666 on instagram!! always a pleasure drawing their girls 😊❤️
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